Happy New Year! I hope that you and your family had a blessed Christmas and an awesome holiday.
Are you ready to conquer yet?
This year I plan to help you by giving as much practical value as I possibly can through this channel. In alignment with my own principle of ‘Leading with value,’ I will continue to give tips and insights on how you can ‘Own Your Industry.’
In addition, my new book on Innovation will hit the shelves this year and I will be giving away most of it in this newsletter (Don’t tell Penguin!). I will be liberal in sharing tips, paragraphs, chapters and golden growth nuggets directly from the book for you. If I do it right, one day I’ll earn an email from you in which you tell me that one of my ideas translated directly into business growth for you. I will be relentless in pursuing that goal.
I also plan to increase the number of ‘how to’ videos that I post on YouTube, which I will include in these newsletters as well.
I dearly love teaching. I love helping others to grow, and where possible, I love to entertain as well.
I will always let you know about my newest video and article posts by means of this newsletter, but if you’re keen to get even more, please do follow me on my Facebook FanPage, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn. I especially recommend Facebook, where I post motivational quotes on a regular basis. These will be too regular to include in the newsletter.
I’m thrilled that you’ve continued to allow me to speak into your life. I will endeavour to keep the quality of my ideas sufficiently high that, every Monday, you look forward to a short, sharp boost, and that I earn your continued patronage.
May you become the greatest in your game, and I look forward to helping you to own your industry in 2015.